According to By-Laws and Standing Rules

    Full power and authority over the affairs of INC
    Approve recommendations of policies and programs from the Board of Directors
    Amend By-Laws at the Annual Meeting after a majority vote by the Board of Directors authorizes submission of amendments to the Delegation. A 2/3 vote of those in attendance is necessary to successfully amend the By-Laws.
    Direct the Treasurer to disburse funds (except the Board of Directors may authorize the reimbursement of monies spent by INC committees in the accomplishment of their approved tasks)
    Bind INC to its commitments/positions
    Confirm Officer vacancies appointed by the President and with Board of Director approval.
    Confirm such appointments within two regular meetings from the time of notification to the Delegation of such a vacancy.
    Receive monthly reports from the Treasurer
    Receive quarterly written reports from the Treasurer
    Receive routine reports from Committee Chairs
    Receive Budget from the Board of Directors/Budget Committee “for information about the upcoming year.”



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